(1121-B) High-throughput preparation of NGS libraries for target-enriched DNA sequencing (whole
exome sequencing) on the Biomek i7 Hybrid Workstation
Monday, February 5, 2024
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST
Location: Exhibit Halls AB
Abstract: High-throughput preparation of NGS libraries for target-enriched DNA sequencing (whole exome sequencing) on the Biomek i7 Hybrid Workstation
Elisa Vega Senior Automation Scientist NGS Roche Diagnostics, Wilmington, MA 01887, USA
Co-Authors: Sean Chien 2 , Zach Smith 3 , Jonathan Nowacki*, Alejandro Quiroz Zarate 1 , Marsha McMakin 1 , Rachel Kasinskas 1 1 Roche Diagnostics, 200 Ballardvale St #250, Wilmington, MA 01887, USA 2 Roche Molecular Solutions, 4300 Hacienda Dr, Pleasanton, CA 94588, USA 3 Beckman Coulter Life Sciences ., 5350 Lakeview Parkway S. Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46268, USA *Author no longer employee at Roche
Introduction Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) with next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology has driven a wide diversity of investigations and applications in human health. However, WGS remains a high-cost method and often does not provide either the precision or depth of information required to investigate complex diseases, or to detect rare or low-frequency genetic variants. Enrichment of specific genomic regions through NGS target enrichment offers a more economic path to deeper, more precise sequencing by focusing sequencing reads on only the desired regions. Thus, target enrichment (such as whole-exome sequencing, or WES) allows for more efficient use of sequencing resources, reduces sequencing cost, and simplifies data analysis. Additional savings in cost, time, and labor – as well as increased throughput and reproducibility – can be achieved through the automation of NGS library preparation and through target enrichment on automated liquid handling instruments. Numerous standardized NGS liquid handling platforms can expedite NGS workflows by offering out-of-the box solutions for many popular reagent kits.
Methods Automated preparation of WES libraries from hgDNA was carried out on the Biomek i7 Hybrid Workstation using the KAPA HyperPlus Kit and KAPA HyperExome Panel, following the KAPA HyperCap Workflow. Library preparation steps were processed in a high-throughput (96 samples) format, and then, for target capture, libraries were multiplexed in 12 pools of 8 libraries each (8-plex). All libraries were assessed for yield and fragment distribution before and after target enrichment.
Results* Pre-sequencing metrics demonstrated consistent yields and expected fragment distributions for high-throughput processing, with minimal variation. Sequencing metrics revealed successful enrichment of high-quality sequencing libraries with low duplication rates, high on-target rates, and sufficient, uniform depth of coverage across the target regions.
Conclusion Automation of the KAPA HyperCap workflow on the Biomek i7 Hybrid Workstation generated high-quality WES libraries which, upon sequencing, yielded low duplication rates, high on-target rates, and sufficient, uniform depth of coverage across the target regions.
*Data on file at Roche Diagnostics, Wilmington, MA, USA For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures. KAPA is a trademark of Roche. Biomek is a trademark of Beckman Coulter Life Sciences.