Authors: Nabil Mikhaiel, Monica Nagendran, David Sukovich, Joey Arthur, David Patterson, Augusto Tentori
Advancements in spatial transcriptomics technologies have deepened our comprehension of intricate cellular interactions involved in both development and disease. The Visium HD Spatial Gene Expression assay enables whole transcriptome profiling of human and mouse tissues with single cell scale resolution. Achieving single-cell scale resolution requires precise localization of transcripts relative to where they originated from in the tissue. Visium HD slides feature two 6.5 mm x 6.5 mm capture areas with a continuous lawn of oligos composed of 2 x 2 µm barcoded squares. With Visium HD, this precise localization is achieved by utilizing capture areas with barcoded features with no gaps and integration with the CytAssist benchtop instrument. The assay workflow, Visium HD slides, and CytAssist instrument have been optimized to control the probe transfer process and ensure precise transcript localization.
Demonstrating the robustness and power of Visium HD, we profiled whole transcriptome gene expression spatially at single-cell scale resolution across more than 15 different human and mouse FFPE tissue types. Using a universal workflow, tissue sections on standard glass slides are initially stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) or immunofluorescence staining (IF) and imaged before the Visium HD workflow, allowing for morphological assessment preceding single-cell scale whole transcriptomic profiling from the same tissue section.
The Visium HD transcriptomic analysis offers profound insights into the cellular heterogeneity and organization within tested tissues at a single-cell scale resolution. This platform empowers researchers to uncover novel discoveries on normal development, disease pathology, and clinical translational research.