(1336-A) Low Cost Automation of RNA Barcoding with the Integra Assist Liquid Handler for the Parse Biosciences Single Cell RNA Sequencing Evercode Workflow
Monday, February 5, 2024
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST
Location: Exhibit Halls AB
Abstract: The Parse Biosciences Evercode workflow offers a novel solution for scRNA-seq, incorporating efficient multiplexed split seq combinatorial RNA barcoding, which enables up to a million cells to be prepared and sequenced in a single experiment. Here, we present an approach utilizing the Integra Assist Liquid Handler, a low cost semi-automated multichannel platform, to automate the Evercode combinatorial barcoding steps, streamlining the workflow, and reducing the manual bench time by 80%.
The Integra Assist is seamlessly integrated into the workflow to perform the addition of well-specific barcodes to intracellular transcripts minimizing manual pipetting. The liquid handler prepares reagent mixtures and dispenses cells into the Evercode kit’s barcode labeling plates enabling single cell discrimination. Overall, this process simplifies the hands-on workflow allowing researchers to easily sequence hundreds of samples in a single week, through a three day semi automated process.
The integration of Integra Assist Liquid Handler into the Parse Biosciences Evercode workflow for scRNA-seq represents a simple, easy to implement process, offering researchers a streamlined semi-automated solution for split-seq combinatorial RNA barcoding.