(1174-C) Automating KAPA EvoPlus library preparation kits on firefly®
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST
Location: Exhibit Halls AB
KAPA EvoPlus is a ligation-based Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) DNA library preparation solution suitable for low- to high-throughput, PCR, and PCR-free workflows, requiring as little as 10 ng of input material. Sample fragmentation is achieved enzymatically and tunable by time. KAPA EvoPlus' unique ReadyMix formulation affords a 2-step library prep workflow that requires no master mix setup or inhibitor mitigation steps.
firefly from SPT Labtech is a comprehensive automated platform that brings together multiple liquid handling technologies within a single compact design for more efficient library and sample preparation.
In this poster, for the first time, we demonstrate that the KAPA EvoPlus and KAPA EvoPlus PCR-free workflows can be successfully automated on firefly to create Illumina-compatible sequencing libraries comparable to those prepared manually. The libraries show similar final yield from the same starting gDNA input and show the expected average fragment size (~300-400 bp), with minimal variation across a 96-well plate. The combination of these technologies enables significant time savings in the laboratory for whole genome sequencing applications. By running 96-samples at once on firefly, we see approximately a 6-fold increase in throughput than when performed manually by a single user, whilst also mitigating the risk of repetitive strain injuries (RSI) posed by such a substantial number of manual pipetting steps.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.