(1039-D) Game Changing Plasmid Purification Technology: Thermo Fisher presents a High-Throughput, Centrifugation-Free method for isolating Transfection Grade Plasmid Purification
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST
Location: Exhibit Halls AB
Abstract: Plasmid purification has recently moved into the spotlight with the development of mRNA vaccines and widely accepted gene therapies using viral vectors . Plasmid DNA (pDNA) is involved in numerous research applications and is crucial to the development of many lifesaving therapeutics.
Since the successful development and globalization of the SARS-COV-2 mRNA vaccines, the need for high throughput plasmid purification has consequentially increased. With heightened demand to shorten development times of biotherapeutics, Pharma and Biotechnology industries are seeking solutions to expedite the pace of research by removing bottlenecks and inefficiencies stunting accelerated development of future therapeutics. One critical bottleneck when isolating pDNA involves centrifugation, which is commonly used during extraction methods.
In response to industry demands, we have optimized our existing Invitrogen ChargeSwitchTM No-Spin Plasmid purification technology for use with high throughput workflows focused on development of novel biotherapeutics. Unlike other extraction methods, the ChargeSwitchTM No-Spin chemistry provides a more efficient method to isolate pDNA, avoiding centrifugation complete. Using dual paramagnetic bead-based separation methods in conjunction with Thermo Fisher KingFisher Sample Preparation Purification Systems, we demonstrate an accelerated plasmid purification method yielding plasmid DNA (pDNA) suitable for immediate use in a variety of downstream applications such as cloning, sequencing, transformation, amplification, endo-nuclease digestion, and in-vitro transcription. Our method results in consistent pDNA yield and purity in a fraction of the time as traditional plasmid purification techniques.
Additionally, our plasmid purification method offers flexible adaptation for various workflows: standalone benchtop KingFisher purification systems, liquid handlers with integrated KingFisher purification systems and those interested in only using liquid handling systems.
In alignment with Thermo Fisher’s mission to make the world healthier, cleaner, and safer, our ChargeSwitchTM No-Spin Plasmid purification technology is environmentally friendly. Our ChargeSwitchTM nucleic acid purification technology is 100% water-based and does not require the use of ethanol, chaotropic salts, organic solvents or require time consuming precipitation steps, making it the optimal green high throughput solution for plasmid purification.